I sincerely invite you to JUST PEOPLE. Ordinary people tell extraordinary stories here!

Today I wanna tell you a story about a strong woman, a wise person, and the best mother.
She is a good friend. I think people like she held the whole World
So, let’s get acquainted :)

My name is  I.H.  and I’m going to tell you a story about my life. It has taught me three very important things. 

First, everybody is precious. 

I'm from Ukraine. I’ve been living in America for almost 6 years. During this time I have learned a lot. For example, to let things go and to forgive, not to be afraid to take responsibility and to believe in me. 

I had the best childhood ever. I love my family. I know we aren't the perfect one. We overcame many difficulties: we had lots of arguments but we were together. The brightest memory for me was our trip to the sea. I was small and happy. Еverything was alright until one day when our father decided to leave us.

I studied to be a pharmacist. My parents were wonderful people. I learned to be honest with myself, what is the most important thing in people’s life.

Second, number 24 is really «magic».

I don't think it is a mere coincidence: on the 24th there was an accident, on the 24th I was hit by a car and on July 24th my dad died
in a car crash.

I buried my father. After that, I wasn’t able to drive a car for a long time.
I still miss him a lot, but I understand that he belongs to another World.

In fact, I'm not a «superwoman», just a woman who knows what she wants.
My daughter is growing up every day and I wanna grow up together with her.  I should improve myself every day. I like traveling and I have a small dream to live in the mountains.

Third, I'm not afraid of everything in life anymore, because it's my life and I’m the only person who can choose how to live it. My main goal is to live with my daughter and to continue self-development.


I wish you to remember: You should build your own happiness because it depends only on you!

It's my story and it isn’t finished. I hope it will be a good example for you.  Don't give up. Just hold up well in your life. Where you put a full stop, someone can easily turn it into a coma.

I'm a woman who knows what she wants!
I don't blame anybody!

I will never be addicted again!


Editor in Chief - ULYANA SOZANSKA

Assistant editor - VALERIA MOTOVYTSKA

Author and founder of the project - MARIAN KOSTIUK


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